Sunday, April 5, 2009

Smeared Charcoal

Attention! The tone of this blog is about to have a "face"lift (har dee har har). Since I'm back in the good old rainy dreary city of endless coffee, it's not much of a travel blog anymore. Albeit my life in Seattle isn't as action-packed or stimulating as Europa, this will be a place to broadcast my thoughts on pretty much anything and everything. So one day, I might be ranting about a ridiculous new fashion trend (a MC Hammerpants revival people? Really?) or a restaurant that have tantalized my tastebuds recently or simple blurbs about the current going-ons about my hectic life.

Take Exhibit A in the upper right-hand corner - it was inspired by horoscope pages in a womans magazine a few years back. Sketching, drawing and really amateur fashion design has been my passion since I began filling up school notebooks with more doodles than actual notes. When I see the current sad state of my sketchbook, I'm disappointed in myself for abandoning it. To be honest, I can sew a small tear in a shirt and that's about it. Maybe after graduation (with all the spare time I'll have from being jobless I'm sure), I'll take sewing classes and get right back into the groove. And be a walking brand of my own mad designs. Who knows eh?

I'll try to be more update-savvy with blogging, it's one of more enjoyable outlets of writing

And I'm determined to make sure 99.9% of the photos on this blog will have been taken by me. Because I'm egotistical? Nay. Since I'm really delving into bonding with my camera and want to share the results with you.

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