Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh Good Grief

Apparently Xanga and Myspace can eat my dust since I'm vain enough to start yet another blog that will probably slowly disintegrate into the web-o-sphere after I come back from Rome.

So here it is, I found a most pleasing template and then just about threw the laptop across the room trying to configure html, photo links and XML coding just to get the dang thing to work. Holy Smokes, remind me never to take computer science courses, I might just end up whimpering in a corner. Now that three hours have left me with a sore neck, achy eyes and sleep deprivation ---

This is for you, my dearest amicas and amicos, my younger sisters and ex co-workers of mine. Peruse, laugh, roll your eyes, gasp in awe at my photos and write me a comment or two to make me feel like I'm not completely talking to myself.

I may start an Italian phrase or word of the day -- let's begin with scarpa shall we? It's not a scarf, these clever Italians may be tricky but it means "shoes." With sage advice (a.k.a. panicked phone calls,) I narrowed it down to 4 pairs, a most trying time. Serious business folks, how do Italian women glide along in 4 inch stilettos on cobblestones?